Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Plus Size Modeling Requirements

If you think you are qualified in plus size modeling, you have to know first the plus size modeling requirements. If you have an idea with this, you can basically determine if you are really qualified for this kind of profession.
What is a Plus Size Model?

The term plus size model is referred to the person who is in line with modeling clothes that are in plus size. The main role of this person is not actually intended to sell these clothing lines but he or she is a medium in order to gather wide base of customers. Aside from line of clothing, plus size models are also modeling garments, cosmetics, watches, footwear and any other products. Moreover, plus size models are typically a part of advertising magazines and wearing the things that are being marketed. However, there are certain requirements that you have to know when you are interested with this kind of profession. The requirements are as follows:

    Height requirement
    Hip, waist and butt proportionality
    Nice bone structure

Height Requirement

In almost all of the types of modeling, height requirement is always at the top of its standards. Usually, the other forms of modeling are setting a minimum of 5 feet seven inches height to the qualified models. But in the case of plus size modeling, you must be at least 5 feet 9 inches in height. This particular height can easily put justice to the clothing that you will wear or to the garments that you will use. Thus, there will be a greater chance that the product that you are promoting will be patronized by the interested people.

Hip, Waist and Butt Proportionality

In plus size modeling, it is also a plus that you have a proportioned hip, waist as well as butt. This is a common requirement that needs to be present in an aspiring plus size model applicant because if you have this type of body, you will enhance the appeal of the clothing line that you will be wearing. As a result, there is a great chance that you will attract possible customers that will avail the clothing that you are modeling.

Nice Bone Structure

Nice bone structure is also one of the most looked after characteristic in an applicant for plus size modeling. When you have a nice bone structure, there is a great chance that the dress that you will carry will be more attractive than ever. The excellence of bone structure must be seen first in well-proportioned shoulders. A nice shoulder bone structure adds gorgeousness to the person who carries the dress. In return, the dress looks gorgeous and appealing, too.


Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Plus Size Modeling Agencies

Modeling has always been a most sought after career option for many young people. Models can walk the ramp and work in advertisements for many products. They get paid really well if they have confidence and right kind of face and attitude. These days modeling agencies for plus size girls are getting many inquiries and calls from interested plus size girls. These plus size modeling agencies can help the models get good placements and offers, thus launching their career in the world of modeling in great style.

Reputed Modeling Agencies

There are many companies manufacturing different products and they need models to work in their advertisements. Most of the time, these companies do not have a direct link with the models. Above all, they may not find the model they want easily. So, they approach the modeling agencies who are more close to the models to send talented models for their ads. Modeling agencies all round the world invite for applications from budding models. In the invitations, they clearly mention the physical and other requirements for plus size models and also the terms and conditions of the institute. These agencies will train you, have your photos done and help you get placements. A pre-decided option of your earnings from assignments will be going to the modeling agencies who help you get the assignment. Becoming a model will help you know more.

Model Scouts is one of the most reputed modeling agency which works along with plus size models and has helped many models get the best assignments of their life. Then comes the name of Models Plus International, which is also a renowned modeling agency working with plus sized models. This agency has helped models get some quality work in the fields of electronic media, print media, fashion and also in films. Apart from these, there are good modeling agencies in every city which you can find and approach to fulfill your dream of becoming a model.

Requirements for a Plus Size Model

Being aware of the requirements of the plus size models is absolutely essential for all models wishing to make a mark for themselves. There are certain height and look requirements which you should know before you start making efforts in the right direction. Plus size models are generally five feet eight inches to six feet in height. Models are expected to be photogenic and knowledgeable of the various poses and have a sense of style. Confidence, poise and grace is required to make a mark as a model. Working conditions for models can be tough and hence they should be prepared for long working hours and hard work. Models must create their own portfolio in which they will have their own pictures in different dresses and poses. This can help the modeling agencies recognize their talent and promote them for better advertisements.

Modeling agencies mostly prefer the younger lot of girls for assignments. However, the demand for the old women is not less and if you are able to present yourself in the right fashion, getting jobs would not be that difficult. So, hoping that you will utilize this information fruitfully, I would like to sign off here. Good luck!

By Charlie S

Monday, February 18, 2013

Tips for Plus Size Modeling

Are you ready to become a model? Here are some great tips to get you started:

Modeling isn't just for the stick thin anymore. Today, there is a huge demand for plus size women to model fashion, lingerie, in catalogs, or even in advertisements for commercial projects. This is a victory for full figured women everywhere.

The field of plus size modeling is wide open right now. Opportunities for plus size models are expanding every day. If you are full figured and would love a glamorous job that allows you to travel the world, you should consider plus size modeling. The following ten tips will get you started in the lucrative field of plus size modeling.

1. Make Sure You Are "Plus Size" - This may sound obvious, but agents turn away aspiring plus size models every day, telling them they need to gain weight to be considered "plus size." Many women have skewed visions of themselves, thinking they are full figured when they are actually far from it. If you want to pursue a career as a plus size model, consult with a modeling agent to make sure you qualify as "plus size."

2. Learn About Modeling - Plus size modeling is still modeling. Before you pursue a plus size modeling career, take the time to learn about the field of modeling. There are different types of modeling for different sizes and even different body parts. By learning the business of modeling, you will be ahead of all of the other aspiring plus size models auditioning for the same modeling jobs as you.

3. Plus Size Modeling is Selling - Modeling is all about business. The purpose of every modeling job is selling. Models are used to make a product or service look good so that people buy it. The purpose of modeling isn't just to dress up and get paid for having your picture taken. Remember that a model's main job is always to help sell something.

4. You've Gotta Be Comfortable With Your Body - You must be completely comfortable with your body, your weight, and yourself. A plus size model must love her body and having her picture taken. If you are uncomfortable, it will come across in your photographs.

5. You Need to Look Good - When you're a plus size model, your figure and your looks matter. You must be fit, have the right height and look, perfect teeth, great hair, beautiful skin, and you must be photogenic.

6. You Need an Agent - To make it in the world of professional modeling, you need an agent. Make sure your agent specializes in plus size models.

7. You Must Have Confidence - Self-confidence and determination are your biggest assets in making it as a plus size model. Modeling is competitive and those with the determination to succeed are usually the ones that make it big.

8. Persistence is Key - It takes time to get signed with a modeling agency and it may take even longer to get your first modeling job. You must persevere and never give up to achieve success as a plus size model. Follow up on every lead and go to every modeling audition you can. Becoming a plus size model takes planning, persistence, and lots of hard work, but if you stick with it, you'll be rewarded with a thriving career.

9. You Can't Fall Apart - Rejection is a huge part of a career in plus size modeling. You must handle rejection well. You can't fall apart every time you don't get a modeling job. If you don't deal well with rejection, plus size modeling may not be a good career for you.

10. Treat Plus Size Modeling as Your Business - No matter the type of plus size modeling you do, it is vital that you treat modeling as your job - as your business, not as your hobby or something you do for fun. You have to commit yourself to attending every audition, taking care of yourself, making connections, and keeping up with contacts. You must network all the time, just like when owning a business. Be serious about your modeling business and put forth a professional attitude for success.

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Become A Plus Size Model

The world of modeling takes hard work, determination and a desire to succeed. Becoming a plus size model can potentially be even more difficult. Not only do you have to find niche markets that work with plus size models, you have to be secure and confident with yourself and your body to present a positive image to those who might look up to you. Modeling isn't for everyone, and if you aren't in it for the long haul it may be the wrong profession for you. However, if you think you have what it takes to become a plus size model there are several things you should know.

The modeling industry has always been know to cater to the waif-thin, so breaking into the plus size modeling business can seem nearly impossible. However, the modeling industry has increasingly been opening its eyes to the potential of plus size models and are starting to realize the beauty in a curvy figure. Your first step in becoming a plus size model is to call up local and nationwide modeling agencies to see if they work with plus size models. If they do,

increasingly been opening its eyes to the potential of plus size models and are starting to realize the beauty in a curvy figure. Your first step in becoming a plus size model is to call up local and nationwide modeling agencies to see if they work with plus size models. If they do, you'll want to set up an appointment to meet with the agency. You may also want to research when the next open call will be, because many agencies have them. Attending auditions and open calls is an essential part of the modeling business, and can help get your name and face out there.

Before attending your agency appointment, the agency will expect to see a portfolio of photographs of you. You'll want to hire a professional photographer to conduct a mini photo shoot with you modeling a variety of different fashions. Arm yourself with at least 5 to 10 photographs that show off your range. Hiring a professional photographer isn't cheap, but if you end up landing a job it's well worth the price.

During your interview, you want to keep your look simple and understated, yet classy. If you decide to wear makeup, wear very little. It's probably best to wear no makeup at all, so the agency can see your real beauty. Don't dress too extravagantly, but take care not to err on the side of casual either. In other words, flip flops and a t-shirt aren't great, but neither is a floor length formal gown. Keep it somewhere in the middle, and be honest and open with any questions the agency asks you.

While of course you must have beauty to become a plus size model, beauty actually isn't everything. You must also be knowledgeable about the industry and keep up to date with the latest styles, makeup trends, and what's hot now. Practice posing and walking, because those are essential skills all models must have. By staying on top of your game, you'll remain a step ahead of the competition every time.

Breaking into the plus size model industry can be difficult. You must not only be knowledgeable about the industry, but you must also have an intense desire to succeed no matter what. Plus, if you do become a model it takes a lot of hard work and effort on your part to stay within the standards of the modeling industry. With patience, tenacity, luck and hard work there's every possibility that you could become a plus size model.

To get more fashion & style tips, visit plus sizes superstore.

This article was submitted by Jennifer Carter. Find more tips on becoming a plus size model.

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